DigiFest is sponsored:

    by Kyiv DX and Contest Club with support of

    - MixW team
    - Rig Expert Ukraine, Ltd.

Cabrillo logs to be sent to:  digifest_robot@mixw.net 
Or upload to http://mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/digifest_log.php 
1. Competition (unconventional digimodes):
������� All over the world 
2. Date and time:
������� I Period 04:00 UTC - 12:00 Saturday 7 June 2014
�������  II Period 20:00 UTC - 04:00 Saturday 7 June / Sunday 8 June 2014
������� III Period 12:00 UTC - 20:00 Sunday 8 June 2014 
������� 1-th full weekend in June every year. 
3. Modes:
������� RTTY75 (75 baud)
������� BPSK 63
������� MFSK 16
������� OLIVIA (250 Hz, 4 tones)
4. Bands:
������� 80 meters band (3.5 MHz)
������� 40 meters band (7 MHz)
������� 20 meters band (14 MHz)
������� 15 meters band (21 MHz)
������� 10 meters band (28 MHz)
������� Dupes are allowed on different bands or different modes on the same band.
������� In other words work station ones per band per mode (5 QSO�s in different modes will be counted per each band).
������� Please leave PSK31 band (14070...14071) for non-contest operation.
5. Categories:
��� SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH 24H���������� ���(All Modes, All Bands, High Power, 24 Hours)
��� SINGLE-OP ALL LOW 24H���������� ����(All Modes, All Bands, Low Power, 24 Hours)
��� SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH 8H���������� ����(All Modes, All Bands, High Power, 8 Hours)*
��� SINGLE-OP ALL LOW 8H����������� �����(All Modes, All Bands, Low Power, 8 Hours)*
����SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE RY 24H������ (All Bands, Single Mode RTTY 24 Hours)
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE PK 24H������ (All Bands, Single Mode PSK 24 Hours)
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE MK 24H������ (All Bands, Single Mode MFK 24 Hours)
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE HE 24H������ (All Bands, Single Mode Hellschreiber 24 Hours)
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE OL 24H������ (All Bands, Single Mode Olivia 24 Hours)
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE RY 8H������� ��(All Bands, Single Mode RTTY 8 Hours) *
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE PK 8H������ ��(All Bands, Single Mode PSK 8 Hours) *
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE MK 8H������ ��(All Bands, Single Mode MFK 8 Hours) *
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE HE 8H������� ��(All Bands, Single Mode Hellschreiber 8 Hours) *
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE OL 8H������� ��(All Bands, Single Mode Olivia 8 Hours) *
����SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 80M 24H������� (All Modes, Single Band 80M)
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 40M 24H������� (All Modes, Single Band 40M)
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 20M 24H������� (All Modes, Single Band 20M)��� 
����SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 15M 24H������� (All Modes, Single Band 15M)
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 10M 24H������� (All Modes, Single Band 10M)
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 80M 8H������� (All Modes, Single Band 80M) *
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 40M 8H������� (All Modes, Single Band 40M) *
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 20M 8H������� (All Modes, Single Band 20M) *�� 
����SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 15M 8H������� (All Modes, Single Band 15M) *
��� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND 10M 8H������� (All Modes, Single Band 10M) *
��� MULTI-OP ALL HIGH 24H������������ ���(Single Transmitter, All Modes, All Bands)
������� * 8 hours are composed from a number of arbitrary time periods, separated by breaks (i.e. not necessarily the whole periods I, II or III of the contest).
�������  The start of 8-hour entry is the first QSO time.
�������  The breaks minimum is 1 hour each.
�������  The contacts made after of 8-hour limit are counted for other participants.
������� LOW - Max peak power 100 watts
������� HIGH - Max peak power 1000 watts
6. Exchange:
������� Signal report + four-digit Grid Square (Example: 599 KO50).
7. QSO points:
������� 1 point per 1 Km of distance (calculated by centers of Grid Squares).
������� No need to calculate by participant.
8. Multiplier:
������� The number of Grid Squares (once per log).
9. Scoring:
������� The sum of QSO points multiplied by multiplier = TOTAL SCORE.
10. Disqualification:
������� For usage of PSK31 band (14070...14071).
������� For transmission over NCDXF beacons on 14100, 21150 and 28200.
������� For two signals on one or many bands simultaneously.
11. Cabrillo logs are accepted within 7 days after the contest end:
������� Upload via http://mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/digifest_log.php 
������� Or send e-mail to: digifest_robot@mixw.net 
������� Modes in the log are marked by two character code as follows:
������� RY = RTTY
������� OL = OLIVIA
������� PK = PSK (or PS)
������� MK = MFSK16 (or MF)
������� The log example:
������� START-OF-LOG: 2.0
������� CALLSIGN: UX1UA *
������� CREATED-BY: MixW 3.1.1
������� NAME: Sergei Litvinov *
������� ADDRESS: P.O.Box 111 *
������� ADDRESS: Kyiv 01001 *
������� E-MAIL: [email protected] * 
������� OPERATORS: *
������� QSO: 14081 RY 2008-06-07 1321 UX1UA����� 599 KO50�� UT2UZ����� 599 KO50�� 
������� QSO: 14079 PK 2008-06-07 1322 UX1UA����� 599 KO50�� UT7U����� 599 KO40�� 
������� QSO: 14075 HE 2008-06-07 1323 UX1UA����� 599 KO50�� S56P����� 599 JN76 
������� END-OF-LOG:
������� Fields marked by asterisks (*) must be filled in.
12. Awards, prizes and trophies (will be sent to home address indicated in the log):
������� 12.1. Antenna Analyzer AA-30 for the high score winners in the following categories:
������� SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH 24H (two prizes - Europe and the rest of the World)
������� 12.2. Antenna Analyzer AA-30 for the high score winners in the following categories:
������� SINGLE-OP ALL LOW 24H (two prizes - Europe and the rest of the World)
������� 12.3. USB Interfaces RigExpert TI-7 for the high score winners in the following categories:
������� as well as to the 2nd places in the following categories:
������� 12.4. T-shirts, to the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd places in the following categories. To receive a T-shirt, the operator should 
������� have at least 50 QSOs in the log. The T-shirts are sent to 1st place winners only if there are at least 3 participants 
������� in their group; 2nd place � at least 10 participants; 3rd place � at least 15 participants.
������� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE (each Mode)
������� SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND (each Band)
������� T-shirts to the 2nd and the 3rd places in the following categories:
������� 12.5. Awards (laminated paper) to every participant with more than 300 QSOs in the log.
13. Contact information:
������� Cabrillo logs to be sent to: digifest_robot@mixw.net 
������� Or upload to http://mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/digifest_log.php 
������� E-mail:������� digifest_info@mixw.net
���������������������� [email protected]
������� Web sites:���� http://www.mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/index.html
���������������������� http://www.rigexpert.com/index?s=main&f=digifest
������� 12.05.2014