DigiFest is sponsored:

    by Kyiv Contest Group with support of

    - IRC
    - MixW team
    - Rig Expert Ukraine, Ltd.
    - Radio Hobby, monthly Magazine




1. Competition (unconventional digimodes):

    All over the world including
    - A. On Line Competition (automatic log synchronization with server         http://mixw.net/misc/DigiFest)
    - B. Off Line Competition

2. Date and time:

      I Period 04:00 UTC - 12:00 Saturday 6 Jun 2009
     II Period 20:00 UTC - 04:00 Saturday 6 Jun / Sunday 7 Jun 2009
    III Period 12:00 UTC - 20:00 Sunday 7 Jun 2009

    (1-th full weekend in June)

3. Modes:

    RTTY75 (75 baud)
    BPSK 63
    MFSK 16
    OLIVIA (250 Hz, 4 tones)

4. Bands:

    80 meters band (3.5 MHz)
    40 meters band (7 MHz)
    20 meters band (14 MHz)
    15 meters band (21 MHz)
    10 meters band (28 MHz)

    Dupes on different bands or different modes (same band).
    Please leave PSK31 band (14070...14071) for non-contest operation.

    Recommended center of activities frequencies (high bands like 20M Band):

    PSK 63    -    14074 KHz
    HELLSCHREIBER -    14076 KHz
    MFSK    -    14078 KHz
    RTTY    -    14084 KHz
    OLIVIA    -    14103 KHz

5. Categories:

    SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH        (All Modes, All Bands)
    SINGLE-OP ALL LOW         (All Modes, All Bands)
    SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH 8-HOURS    (All Modes, All Bands - any 8 hours)*
    SINGLE-OP ALL LOW  8-HOURS    (All Modes, All Bands - any 8 hours)*
    SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE HIGH    (One/Any Mode, All Bands)
    SINGLE-OP SINGLE-MODE LOW     (One/Any Mode, All Bands)
    SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND HIGH    (All Modes, Single Band)
    SINGLE-OP SINGLE-BAND LOW     (All Modes, Single Band)
    MULTI-OP  ALL HIGH         (MOST All Modes, All Bands)

    *The start of 8 Hours entry is the first QSO time.
     The breaks minimum is 1 hour each.
     The contacts made over 8 Hours entry will count to other participants.

    LOW  - Max peak power  100 watts
    HIGH - Max peak power 1000 watts

6. Exchange:

    Signal report + Grid Square 4 Characters (Example: 599 KO50).

7. QSO points:

    1 point per 1 Km of distance (calculated by centers of Grid Squares).
    No need to calculate by participant.
8. Multiplier:

    Grid Squares number once per log.

9. Scoring:

    The sum of QSO points x multiply on multiplier = TOTAL SCORE.

10. Disqualification:

    For usage of PSK31 band (14070...14071).
    For transmission over NCDXF beacons at 14100, 21150, and 28200.
    For two signals on one or many bands simultaneously.

11. Logs in Cabrillo within 7 days after the contest end:

    upload via http://mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/digifest_log.php
    or send to: [email protected]

    Modes in the log are marked by two character code as follows:

    RY = RTTY
    PK = PSK (or PS)
    MK = MFSK16 (or MF)

    The log example:

    START-OF-LOG: 2.0 
    CLUB: Kyiv Contest Group 
    CREATED-BY: MixW 2.19 
    NAME: Sergei Litvinov 
    QSO: 14081 RY 2008-06-07 1321 UX1UA    599  KO50  UT2UZ    599  KO50
    QSO: 14079 CO 2008-06-07 1322 UX1UA    599  KO50  UT7U     599  KO40
    QSO: 14075 HE 2008-06-07 1323 UX1UA    599  KO50  S56P     599  JN76

12. Awards, prizes and trophies:

    - Antenna Analyzer AA-200 sponsored by Rig Expert Ukraine, Ltd will be sent to     the high score     world winner - SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH.
    - USB Interface RigExpert Standard will be awarded to the winner SINGLE-OP ALL     LOW.
    - USB Interfaces RigExpert Tiny will be awarded to the winners in SINGLE-OP ALL     HIGH 8-HOURS and SINGLE-OP ALL LOW 8-HOURS.
    - T-Shirts will be awarded to the winners in Mode and Band categories.
    - 5 Subscription from Ukrainian magazine RadioHobby will be drawn among     participants from CIS.
    - Certificates to every participant in life competition (A).

    If you are interested in sponsoring special contest trophy for DIGIFEST please     contact    us by email: [email protected].
    Your logo and advertisement will be placed in our web site (and more).

13. Contact information:

    E-mail: [email protected]
    Web site: http://www.mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/index.htm
